Monday 27 February 2017

How to Go to Sleep When You're Stressed to the Max

Conversations with friends and colleagues these days often are peppered with concerns about stress. People are regularly talking about being stressed, recovering from stress or avoiding stress. It’s a word that has become so common that its very commonness tells us something.
Have I stressed you out yet? Even thinking about all the ways we are stressed can be stressful! How can we find some peace?Fortunately, we do have some say in how stressed we are. Try some of the following stressbusters to give yourself a break:
  • Take charge of information overload. Do you really need to see the same news clip a dozen times? Do you really need to check social media every hour? Probably not. Remember, in the not-so-long ago, people got one newspaper a day and were well-informed. Corral your need to know to a couple of times a day.
  • Learn to say no. Sometimes we make our own stress by taking on too much. Take a realistic look at how much you can really accomplish in a day. Prioritize requests and resist pressure to take on more than those items that made it to the top. You’ll avoid the stress of trying to do it all, and you’ll avoid the stress of disappointing people.
  • Resist any temptation to use substances to reduce your stress. Smoking, drinking, popping pills, binge eating or drinking 10 cups of coffee a day may seem like strategies to reduce stress, but they really don’t help. At best they provide some relief for a very short time. Over the long haul, they add the stress of serious health risks.
  • Get some exerciseGo for a walk or a run. Get on your bike, ski, swim. Do something, anything, that gets you moving. Exercise makes your body release endorphins, a natural destressor. Further, it’s good for your heart and your lungs to get aerobic at least a few times a week.
  • Turn off the screens. A constant pixel diet isn’t good for the brain (or your sleep, either). Declare part of the day as a screen-free zone. Give your brain cells and your thoughts a rest. Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to savor the quiet. You’ll come back to screenwork refreshed and probably in a better mood.
  • Get enough sleep. According to a 2013 survey by the Centers for Disease Control, 50 to 70 million Americans report sleep disorders or sleep deprivation. Only a third of Americans get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep a night. It may temporarily reduce your stress if you stay up all night to finish a pressing project, but if it becomes a pattern, your body isn’t getting the restorative rest it needs.
  • Take time out. Make sure you devote some time every week to doing things you truly enjoy. Too often, people promise themselves they will take up a hobby, invite friends over or just go to a movie when they finish x or get on top of y. The list of “have to’s” can become endless and the time to do something fun just never comes. Put some fun time somewhere near the top of the list and get to it now and then.
  • Hang out with positive people.People really do need people. We especially need people who think we’re special in some way and who treat us well. Time spent with positive people doing something positive is a surefire antidote to stress.

Friday 24 February 2017

10 Amazing Benefits of Giloy: The Ayurvedic Root of Immortality

Here are 10 reasons why this root deserves your attention:

1. Boosts Immunity

“Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity”. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants which fight free-radicals, keep your cells healthyand get rid of diseases. Giloy helps remove toxins, purifies blood, fights bacteria that causes diseases and also combats liver diseases and urinary tract infections. “Giloy is used by experts in treating heart related conditions, and is also found useful in treating infertility”.

2. Treats Chronic Fever

Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Baidyanath says, “Giloy helps get rid of recurrent fevers. Since Giloy is anti-pyretic in nature, it can reduce signs and symptoms of several life threatening conditions like Dengue, Swine Flu and Malaria as well”.

3. Improves Digestion

“Giloy is very beneficial in improving digestion and treating bowel related issues”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. Tip: You can take half a gram of giloy powder with some amla regularly to maximize results, or with jaggery for treating constipation.

4. Treats Diabetes

According to Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Fortis Hospital, “Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent and helps treat diabetes (particularly Type 2 diabetes)”. Giloy juice helps reduce high levels of blood sugar and works wonders.

5. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Did you know Giloy can be used as an adaptogenic herb as well? It helps reduce mental stress as well as anxiety. It helps get rid of toxins, boosts the memory, calms you down and makes for an excellent health tonic if combined with other herbs.

6. Fights Respiratory Problems

Dr. Ashutosh further adds, “Giloy is popularly known for its anti-inflammatory benefits and helps reduce respiratory problems like frequent cough, cold, tonsils”.

7. Treats Arthritis

“Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties that help treat arthritis and its several symptoms. For joint pain, the powder from giloy stem can be boiled with milk and consumed”, says Dr. Ashutosh. It can be used along with ginger to treat rheumatoid arthritis.


8. Reduces Asthmatic Symptoms

Asthma causes chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, etc. which makes it very difficult to treat such a condition. “Chewing on giloy root helps asthma patients and is often recommended by experts”, adds Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja, Fortis Hospital.

9. Improves Vision

In several parts of India, Giloy is applied to the eyes as it helps boost vision clarity. All you need to do, is boil Giloy powder in water, let it cool down and apply over the eyelids.

10. Reduces Signs Of Aging

Giloy contains anti-aging properties that help reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles. It gives you that flawless, glowing skin you’ve always wanted.


Note: There are no serious side-effects of consuming Giloy since it is a natural and safe herbal remedy. However, in some cases - the use of Giloy can cause constipation and lower blood sugar levels. So if you are diabetic and have been consuming Giloy on a long-term basis, monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. Also, avoid Giloy if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


Wednesday 22 February 2017

जानें शहद के आश्‍चर्यजनक 15 लाभ

शहद धरती पर पाया जाने वाला सबसे पुरानी मीठी चीज है। कई रेसिपी में इसका इस्‍तेमाल होता है। शहद आपके स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होता है। हमें अंदाजा है कि यह आपकी रसोई में जरूर होगा और अगर नहीं है, तो इस लेख को पढ़ने के बाद तो जरूर हो जाएगा। शहद के आश्‍चर्यजनक  लाभ है, नियमित रूप से शहद का सेवन करने से शरीर को स्फूर्ति, शक्ति और ऊर्जा मिलती है। शहद से शरीर स्वस्थ, सुंदर और सुडौल बनता हैं। शहद मोटापा घटाता भी है और शहद मोटापा बढ़ाता भी है। मीठे शहद के गुणों से रोगी व्यक्ति स्वस्थ हो सकता है। आइए जानें शहद के लाभ के बारे में।

    • ·         शहद में विटामिन , बी, सी, आयरन, कैल्शियम, सोडीयम फास्फोरस, आयोडीन पाए जाते हैं। रोजाना शहद का सेवन शरीर में शक्ति, स्फर्ति, और ताजगी पैदाकर रोगों से लड़ने की शक्ति भी बढ़ाता है।
      ·         कफ एवं अस्थमा को शहद के इस्तेमाल से दूर किया जा सकता है। अदरक के रस में शहद मिलाकर देने से खांसी में आराम मिलता है।
      ·         उच्च रक्तचाप को नियंत्रित करने में शहद कारगर है।
      ·         रक्त को साफ करने यानी रक्त शुद्धि के लिए भी शहद का सेवन करना चाहिए।
      ·         दिल को मजबूत करने, हृदय को सुचारू रूप से कार्य करने और हृदय संबंधी रोगों से बचने के लिए प्रतिदिन शहद खाना अच्छा रहता है।
      ·         रोजाना शहद का सेवन करने से सेहत बनती है और शरीर मोटा होता है। दिमागी कमजोरियां दूर होती है।
      ·         शहद का सेवन झाइयां और मुंहासे को दूर कर चेहरे पर कांति लाता है। आप गुलाब जल, नींबू और शहद मिलाकर भी चेहरे पर लगा सकते हैं।
      ·         गर्मियों में रोजाना पानी के साथ शहद के सेवन से पेट हल्का रहता है।
      ·         पके आम के रस में शहद मिलाकर लेने से पीलिया में लाभ मिलता है।
      ·         चेहरे की खुश्की दूर करने के लिए शहद, मलाई और बेसन का उबटन लगाना चाहिए। इससे चेहरे पर चमक भी आएगी।
      ·         रोजाना शहद के सेवन से किडनी और आंत ठीक रहते आती है।
      ·         शहद क्षतिग्रस्त त्वचा का उपचार करने में मददगार होता है। यह एक्जिमा, त्वचा की सूजन और अन्य त्वचा विकारों का भी प्रभावशाली तरीके से उपचार करता है।
      ·         टमाटर या संतरे के रस में एक चम्मच शहद डालकर प्रतिदिन लेने से कब्ज की शिकायत दूर होने लगती है।
    • ·         शहद के एंटीबैक्टीरियल और एंटीमाइक्रोबियल गुण कुछ बैक्टीरिया की वृद्धि को रोकते हैं और इसलिए यह घावों, कटे और जले हुए स्थानों पर तथा खरोंच पर लगाया जाता है।

    • Reference: